Lost on an island. Surrounded by danger...
The storm appeared suddenly, tossing Robin's ship against sharp cliffs. Shipwrecked and lucky to be alive, he finds himself on the beach of a mysterious island inhabited by strange friends...and enemies. Now, to find a way home, he must explore, make allies and master the mysteries of his new surroundings. Crazy Island offers a unique mix of adventure, role-playing and real-time strategy, with control of up to 5 characters. Danger lurks around every corner, as well as adventure. Are you ready to discover if the last of the dragons really lives somewhere in the islands?
• Huge, detailed world
• RPG-type elements
• Control up to 5 characters
• Multiple obstacles & tasks
• Various time & weather changes
• Easy-to-use equipment & inventory system
• Includes weapons, spells & magical items
• Entertaining storyline
• Interactive AI characters
Windows® 10, 8, 7
Pentium III 700 MHz processor or faster
128 MB RAM
800 MB free hard disk space
16 MB 3D video card
DirectX 9 or better
The storm appeared suddenly, tossing Robin's ship against sharp cliffs. Shipwrecked and lucky to be alive, he finds himself on the beach of a mysterious island inhabited by strange friends...and enemies. Now, to find a way home, he must explore, make allies and master the mysteries of his new surroundings. Crazy Island offers a unique mix of adventure, role-playing and real-time strategy, with control of up to 5 characters. Danger lurks around every corner, as well as adventure. Are you ready to discover if the last of the dragons really lives somewhere in the islands?
• Huge, detailed world
• RPG-type elements
• Control up to 5 characters
• Multiple obstacles & tasks
• Various time & weather changes
• Easy-to-use equipment & inventory system
• Includes weapons, spells & magical items
• Entertaining storyline
• Interactive AI characters
Windows® 10, 8, 7
Pentium III 700 MHz processor or faster
128 MB RAM
800 MB free hard disk space
16 MB 3D video card
DirectX 9 or better